ALUD - Neutral manual dishwasher - 1L
ALUD - Neutral manual dishwasher - 5L
ALUD - Neutral manual dishwasher
ALUD - Neutral manual dishwasher - 1L
ALUD - Neutral manual dishwasher - 5L
ALUD - Neutral manual dishwasher

Neutral manual dishwasher

ALUD Neutral manual dishwasher

General purpose manual dishwasher and manual application. Suitable for manual washing of all types of kitchen utensils, dishes, glassware, with high degreasing power and giving excellent cleaning and presentation.

Dishwashing detergent

Viscous liquid, with 15% active matter. Active foam and grease effect. Quick drying without fogging Completely biodegradable


General purpose manual dishwasher

Manual dishwasher with 15% active material and pleasant perfume. Suitable for manual washing of dishes, glassware, kitchen utensils and utensils in general.

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